Gemblong isi kacang merah


  • 125 gram tepung ketan putih
  • 50 gram tepung beras
  • 150,gram kelapa parut kasar
  • 3/4 sendok teh garam
  • 175 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa
  • minyak untuk menggoreng

Bahan isi:

  • 50 gram kacang merah kering, direbus
  • 50 gram gula pasir
  • 1 lembar daun pandan
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
  • 100 ml santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa

Bahan besta:

  • 200 gram gula pasir
  • 100 ml air

Cara membuat:
1. Masak bahan isi sampai matang dan kalis.
2. Aduk rata tepung ketan putih, tepung beras, kelapa parut kasar, dan garam. Tuang santan sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk sampai rata. Ambil sedikit adonan. Beri isi. Bentuk bulat pipih.
3. Goreng dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan dengan api sedang sampai matang.
4. Besta: rebus gula pasir dan air sampai berambut. Masukkan kue. Aduk rata. Matikan api. Aduk sampai kering.


* 125 grams white flour
* 50 grams of rice flour
* 150 grams of grated coconut rough
* 3 / 4 teaspoon salt
* 175 ml coconut milk from 1 / 2 coconut
* Oil to fry
Material contents:
* 50 grams of dried red beans, boiled
* 50 grams sugar
Pandan leaves * 1
* 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
* 100 ml coconut milk from 1 / 4 coconut
Besta Material:
* 200 grams of granulated sugar
* 100 ml water
1. Cook all ingredients until soft and dull content.
2. Stir well and white glutinous rice flour, rice flour, grated coconut rough, and salt. Pour the coconut milk little by little while stirring until blended. Take a little dough. Give the contents. Flattened spherical shape.
3. Fried in oil that has been heated over medium heat until cooked.
4. Besta: boiled sugar and water to the hairless. Enter a cake. Stir well. Turn off the heat. Stir until dry.

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